Protecting the places you love from climate change is a no-brainer. Since individual action is not enough on its own, we developed a policy agenda full of actionable solutions that will meaningfully impact our great escapes.

Carbon Pricing

Carbon pricing incentivizes practices that reduce emissions, making fossil fuels more expensive and creating opportunities to use more clean energy sources.

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Renewable energy

We must transition to a renewable energy economy to significantly reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and curb greenhouse gas emissions.

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Electrifying Transit

Transportation produced the most greenhouse gas emissions in the U.S in 2017. Strong advocacy to transform transportation can reduce those emissions.

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Public Lands

Fossil fuel extraction on our public lands is a massive contributor to our country’s greenhouse gas emissions. We’re working to keep fossil fuel extraction out of the places we love.

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Välkommen till Ride, Bike Climb (party!) Vote!En oförglömlig kväll med Protect Our Winters Sweden på Kollektivet Livet i Stockholm! Tillsammans med ER vill vi skapa en inspirerande kväll fylld med pepp och engagemang...

STFs klimattoppmöte på Kebnekaise 2023

STFs klimattoppmöte på Kebnekaise 2023

Under den senaste veckan har vi fått en unik möjlighet att agera som en brygga mellan klimatrörelsen och friluftsrörelsen på det första klimattoppmötet på Kebnekaise någonsin. Svenska Turistföreningen (STF) bjöd in...

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